St. Kitts & Nevis

St. Kitts & Nevis
Program: Citizenship by Investment
Start year: 1984
Time to citizenship: 4-6 months (3-4 months, accelerated option)
Investment options: Choice of 2 options:
- (1) Donation: $250,000 (single applicant); $300,000 (family of 2); $350,000 (up to family of 4)
- (2) Real estate: $400,000 (Developer’s Real Estate Option (re-sell only to another CBI applicant); $400,000 (private condo); $400,000 (private single family home); $250,000 (public benefit project)
Investment holding period: 7 years
Citizenship / residency requirements:
- Mandatory interview (virtual or in person)
- Must pick up Certificate of Registration in person (St. Kitts or its Embassy/Consulate)
Eligible dependents:
- Spouse
- Dependent children under age 30
- Dependent parents and grandparents over age 55
Key advantages:
- Oldest Caribbean citizenship-by-investment program
- Visa waiver to 150 countries