
Program: Citizenship by Investment
Start year: 2013
Time to citizenship: 4-6 months after filing
Investment options: Choice of 2 options
(1) Donation: $150,000 (single applicant); $200,000 (main applicant + up to 3 dependents*)
(2) Real estate: $350,000 and government contribution: $50,000 (main applicant + up to 3 dependents*)
Investment holding period: 4 years
Citizenship / residency requirements: None
Eligible dependents:
- Spouse
- Dependent children under age 30
- Dependent parents and grandparents over age 55
- Dependent parents and grandparents under age 55**
- Siblings of the main applicant or his/her spouse who are over 18 and single with no children***
*Additional $25,000 for each additional dependent after the third dependent
**Additional $50,000 contribution required
***Additional $75,000 contribution required
Key advantages:
- Visa waiver to 130 countries, including China, Russia, UK, Schengen Area
- E-2 investor visa treaty with the USA